1.Terms and definitions

In this Agreement, the following concepts are encountered:
The Company is company, a legal entity registered at the above address.
The Investor (Client, User) is an individual who is capable and authorized in the system. This is a person who accepted the terms of the Agreement and became a direct participant of the system at his own request.
The Terms (Agreement) are requirements for the fulfillment of conditions by all parties of the Agreement, namely «» and the Investor.
Data - any information about the Investor or the Company;
Information that was obtained during the use of the website by the Investor.
The Resource (hereinafter the Site, the Online Platform) is an online platform owned by «», created to facilitate the interaction between and the Client and located here:

The Agreement comes into force under the current legislation, when the Investor actively uses the online platform, as well as when authorizing the Site and using the content and data available on it.

When you use the website, you automatically give confirmation that:
- You know all the terms of the Agreement using the resource;
- You have fully accepted the terms of this Agreement and agree to comply with them. If not, you should leave the «» Website.
- You accept that may at any time change the terms of the current Agreement or any part of the Agreement without prior notice of the Users.
The new version of the Agreement will begin to operate from the moment of posting on our resource.

2. General Provisions

- The Client understands that before completing the registration process, he carefully read all the provisions of this section.

- The Investor recognizes the fact that the current Agreement is in effect a written contract, and thereby replaces all oral negotiations that could hold with the Clients.

- The Investor gives his permission for the Company to use the Client's contact information, in particular to improve our cooperation.

- The Investor agrees that he will never use the contact information of «» to send spam and will not correspond with employees of our company in order to resolve issues that are not related to this Agreement and are not related to investment issues.

- «» has the right to inform you about everything that happens on the «» Website by sending information to your email.

- «» guarantees that each Client will receipt profit.

- The contents of the «» online platform should not be considered as recommendations for legal, insurance or investment topics. Do not consider the content of the site as calls for action or suggestions.

«» is not liable for damage to the User or for his losses resulting from the use of content on the «» website.

- The Company and the User give confirmation that any interaction of both Parties has the properties of a private transaction. Any conditions and details of such a transaction should not be disclosed to anyone.

- If the Client uses spam, «» will be entitled to terminate this Agreement without any possibility of its restoration.

- The content of the «» website is fully consistent with this Agreement. Each Party shall comply with it with all amendments and additions.

- This Agreement will be periodically governed by UK law.

3. Use of the site

«» company give the Client the Right to use the Resource under the current Agreement and for the purposes specified in the Agreement.

The use of the «» website is allowed only if the Investor fulfills all the requirements of this Agreement and subject to compliance with international legislation and the laws of the Investor country of residence.

It is forbidden to transfer this Right to the third parties. If this requirement is violated, the Investor will be deprived of the right to use the «» website.

The use this Resource is possible only after registration and getting an individual password and username in order to log into personal account.

The Investor is obliged to observe complete confidentiality while storing his password, login and other details used by the Investor on the «» website.

The Clients are prohibited from using the Company's website for illegal or offensive purposes.

The use of the Site is prohibited if it:
- leads to the decline of the Site workability and distorts its content;
- prevents the provision of «» services to other Clients;
- infringes the rights of «» to intellectual property.

The Investor confirms that he will not make changes to the company's website and take actions that contribute to the degradation of the Resource and the destruction of the original content of the «» site. The Clients are prohibited from interfering with the operation of this Resource.

The investor agrees that the use of the online platform does not give him the rights to the intellectual property of this Resource. The Clients should use the site only in the context of interaction with «».

We are entitled to make changes or updates to the system without prior notice of our Clients.

4. Confidentiality

«» guarantees that the personal information of each of our Investors is processed within the framework of national principles of confidentiality. They are supported by the "Law of confidentiality", "National principles of confidentiality", as well as the "Law on Privacy".

«» guarantees that the personal data of each of our clients are stored in safety and reliability.

«» has the right to use data about the Client to enforce this Agreement, and to ensure the smooth operation of the Site.

The Investor is prohibited from laying a claim to any data of the company and any results of its activities, which it uses for the previously specified purposes.

5. Termination of the Agreement

«» is entitled to terminate the Agreement and cooperation without notifying the User if he or she violates the terms of the current Agreement.

After the Agreement ceases to operate, «» is not liable to the User and does not take decisions regarding the return of funds.

6. Responsibility

«» is not responsible for:
- Phasing down of its activity, commercial losses, as well as for losses related to the use of the Site or the lack of the ability to use the Resource. This applies even when "" was informed of the possibility of losses.
- Data leakage. This also applies to Data corruption, to loss of data and to incorrect transfer, which could occur due to internal failures on the Site;
- Temporary interruptions of work or failures in the use of the Site, including any failures that have been caused by the service provider;
- Use of the Site by unauthorized persons;
- Any loss, whether incidental or consequential, suffered by the User;
- For causing harm to health;
- Unused benefits and data leakage;
- For lack of ability to receive and transmit data;
- Failures in the work of the Internet and other means of communication that the Client uses to access the Site;

«» has the right not to take into account the facts of accomplishment of negative consequences when:
- Negative factors are considered to be so under the laws of other countries;
- Legislation of any other country seeks to abolish the operation of one or several paragraphs of this Agreement;
- The User himself ignored this Agreement.

The User agrees that he or she will refrain from any negative utterances expressed publicly, towards «» and its employees.

The Investor agrees that he or she will not file claims for losses that arose as a result of the fact that:
- User violated this Agreement;
- The Site was used by third parties when the User granted access to it voluntarily or accidentally;
- The Client used the Site illegally, violating the current legislation.